16 Best Anti Aging Super Foods to Live Younger – You Are What You Eat

Best Anti Aging Super Foods to Live Younger

It is quite unrealistic when you look older than your actual age. Anti aging, however, is a health problem that you can always take care of quite easily. Eating a balanced and healthy diet gives you glowing skin, which will make you look younger than your actual age. Researchers said that what you eat reflects on your skin. Taking specific food in our diet will reduce cellular damage thus slowing down the aging process. These anti- aging super foods should not be tasteless and should be nutritious and vital to our health. They should be loaded with nutrients and anti-oxidant thus enhancing your health and decrease the signs of aging.

Anti Aging Super Foods – You Are What You Eat

1. Green Vegetables

They are a rich source of anti- oxidants, which are responsible for protecting your body cells from free radicals. The radicals are harmful thus causing aging quicker. They also contain photochemical which protect your immunity against dangerous diseases. These vegetables include kale, broccoli, and spinach, which are rich in vitamin E, fiber and calcium. They are highly nutritious hence protect your skin from being affected by UV light, which is the main cause of aging. Broccoli for instance contains lignans, which protects your immune system by fighting diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. They boost your immune system thus keeping your brain healthy.

2. Avocado

It is an excellent fruit, which contain essential fatty acids, which are responsible for making skin beautiful. The acid present in it is supports skin healthy. It is a rich source of vitamin E and biotin, which is good for skin, hair and nail. It also contains antioxidants which are good for fighting aging process.

3. Nuts

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Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans are excellent for preventing the aging process. Walnuts are a rich source of omega 3 and monounsaturated fat, which improves cardiovascular health. Walnuts are also a high source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which is a good source of natural anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory. Pecans contain antioxidants, which prevent your body from aging. It helps you keep your heart healthy thus preventing you from aging. In addition, pecans when taken in good amount will keep your mind sharp and active throughout the day.

4. Berries

These little fruits such as cranberries, blueberries, black berries, raspberries and strawberries contain powerful plant nutrients known as flavonoids. Flavonoids are good for fighting anti-aging effects and cancer. They contain also high amount of antioxidants, anthocyanins and vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing cellular aging. The darker black and blue colored berries have been proven the best because of their anti-aging benefits. Blueberries for instance is good for boosting memory in aging patients.

5. Wild Fish

The only ones, which come from herring, sardines, and mackerel all, are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which support skin, hair and nail. In addition, they keep the skin so elastic by strengthening its cell membranes.

6. Wild Salmon

Salmon contain high amount of proteins and a source of aging nutrients such as vitamins D and E. it also contain omega 3 fatty acid which is an anti-inflammatory and vital for health heart. Omega 3 fats is good for fighting and reducing fine lines thus improving your overall look by making your skin look vibrant, shiny and glow with beauty.

7. Garlic

Its healthy benefits have been known for many years especially in fighting anti aging. Garlic is a rich source of vitamin A, Band C, selenium, iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. It is good for reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, eliminating heavy metals from the body and preventing cancer. It also acts as an antifungal and antiviral agent, which prevents dead cells and prevents new ones from forming.

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8. Honey

Honey is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins B6, C, niacin, thiamin and calcium. When taken in large amounts daily it will keep your body healthy and strong thus preventing it from an aging. It is also known for preventing memory decline and anxiety, which are among the causes of anti aging.

9. Water

It is advisable to drink minimum amount of 1.5 liters of water daily. This is because without proper consumption of water your body digestive system will be compromised thus affecting daily functioning of the body. Water is essential because it helps preserve your skin tone and optimize digestion at any age. Our bodies need proper hydration thus making us look young and vibrant throughout.

10. Whole Grains

It is a rich source of fiber and is the most powerful way of reducing anti aging. The 100 percent whole grain helps you reduce cardiovascular risk and help you get rid of excessive fat in your waistline thus making you keep fit. You can also try biotic and sprouted grain bread, which contain beneficial nutrients, which your skin needs in order to keep its elastic.

11. Plain Yogurt

It is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and, riboflavin. Taking yogurt, which contain low amount of calories, rich in protein, filled with friendly bacteria, will help your body look young throughout and promote digestive health. It is advisable to avoid yogurt with high amount of artificial sugars and take plain ones. This is because artificial sugars added yogurt may be dangerous chemicals, which may affect your skin thus causing aging.

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12. Wine

People say that consumption of alcohol is dangerous to your health. Well, that is just part of the truth and the rest you have not been told. Actually, the consumption of alcohol in moderation can protect the body from diabetes, aging and diabetes. Take red wine. It is the best. Red wine contains the resveratrol, which activates the genes and slows down the process of abnormal aging.

13. Cucumbers

They are a rich source of silica, which is responsible for formation of collagen thus preventing formation of wrinkles.

14. Guavas

The fruit contain high level of vitamin C, which supports the formation of collagen production thus improving skin appearance.

15. Tomatoes and Watermelons

They both contain high amount of lycopene, which acts as internal sunscreen thus protecting skin from UV radiation, aging and sunspots. They are also rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening production of collagen and high, amount of potassium, which regulates the water and nutrient content of the cells in our skin.

16. Dark chocolate and Pomegranate

Dark chocolate contains high quality Antioxidant flavones, which is responsible for decreasing skin inflammation that is caused by UV light exposure. It is good for improving skin circulation thus improving the skin ability to retain moisture and eliminates the appearance of wrinkles. Pomegranate seeds contain ellagic acid and punicalagin, which is responsible for supporting anti aging by preventing free radicals damage thus protecting and preserving production of the skin collagen.


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